Monday, February 8, 2010

Frederick Douglass Video Project

I started off class with a pre-class warm up question on a very important point Douglass makes in chapter 2, were he makes clear that slaves sing to express their "prayer(s) and complaint(s)." After that I explained to the class that we would be starting a video project and that we would meet at different locations on Wednesday and Friday. They were excited about the project and it elicited responses from members of the class who haven't spoken all year. They even pitched in ideas, suggesting that they use my laptop as a video camera. After the explanation I showed them an example of the type of films they would make, using the YouTube 2Pac video featuring the song "Changes." For that moment, I reached another student who rarely pays attention to whats going on in class. He participated in the discussion after the video about 2Pac's message. After the video we transitioned, recapping and finishing our discussion of chapter 1 of Douglass. Only 2 students participated in this dicussion because they were the only one's who had read the chapter the night before. This prolonged the discussion and we didn't get to the storyboarding. I briefly assigned the storyboarding worksheet and assigned it for homework. Tomorrow's lesson has been modified to address the fact that they haven't read chapter 2.

Pre-Class- Why is it important for each student to engage in class discussion?
Discuss Pre-Class (5 min.)
Review Chapter 2 (20 min.)
Listen to Slave Spiritual / Connect to 2Pac Changes "Prayer and Complaint"
Listen to Obama Speech & Discuss (10 minutes)
Class will read Chapter 3 (Group or Independantly) (20 min.)

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